This is the second time this year I have had the opportunity to act as a "second shooter" at a wedding. In this role you are sometimes placed by the primary photographer into a position that isn't ideal. Often you cannot move around too much which in this case turned out to be a good thing as I was able to capture the many expressions of this very animated bride.
This is a picture of the bride and her parents having been asked by the minister to pray, are perhaps in deep contemplation about the life changing events that will soon unfold. 
A little coy perhaps?
Clearly very excited.
The groom of course is a little more staid in his demeanor.
I was difficult to get a decent shot of the rings, but in the end I quite liked the shot taken over the shoulder of one of the groomsmen.
More excitement as the bride awaits the moment when they are pronounced 'husband and wife'
It looks like the groom might have whispered something silly.
An interesting side glance
Now she is seemingly perplexed. What could he possibly be communicating to her?
A look of resignation now.
Back to being elated.
At last the moment she has been waiting for.
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